I totally zonked out last night,at 3 plus a.m. I didn't go for a run with Suyin, nor did i go to school. I was so out of it. Hahaha..So anyway, thought of meeting up with Yilin. But i couldn't drag myself out of bed. I only pulled myself of my bed at dinner time, even tho i have been up for hours.This is what i wore yesterday..
Can you see my boots? Not new, but i like them lots. Sorta look like those Gola ones, but wayyy cheaper.
I am so in love with my green beads. When i was in town yesterday, I didn't see many places selling them, and only one other gal was wearing a long one. Like the yellow one that i bought, but in black and white. I'm glad it hasn't caught on yet. Don't like having the same thing everyone else has.
Sooner or later i think this will become a trend? Maybe.. hopefully not *Cross fingers* But the selection is still rather small. Haiz.. I want more..
Couldn't meet my babe tonight, she got activated for a flight to Auckland. Too bad... I guess i got used to meeting up with her this few weeks. At least once week. i have come to rely on her quite abit. On her company and conversations. Support that she always provides. she always makes me feel better about myself. *Thank you Suyin*
Did i mention how worried i am about my FYP? I'm so so worried, i don't know what to do. I even frown when i sleep. (I woke up one day with 2 deep deep frown lines, between my eyebrows and i couldn't rub them out. Had to wait quite a few minutes for them to fade.. *Damn*)
Argh!!!! The feeling of continual anxiety is constantly overwhelming me. I may go out and play around, not going to school and all. But deep down, countless worrisome thoughts are plaguing me all the time.
I don't know what's going on with me. I keep thinking of things to buy, things i wanna get. Thinking and thinking and thinking... Why am i so obsessed with buying stuff? Only recently this has been bothering me. Usually, i will restrain myself from getting things. Then there will be a certain time that i can't take it, and i will spend abit more then usual.
This time, it's different. Since the day i went out with my sis, i have been wanting too buy lots of stuff. And i have bought quite a few. i have spent quite alot! and i can't afford to support this habit.
All the little things i buy, add up to quite alot! Haiz.. at this rate i will be utterly broke in no time. But.. i still wanna get a few more accessories and stuff before i totally curb my spending spree. Maybe i can try to eat less and kill two birds with one stone? *As if*