La maladie m'a pris.
Poor me, i really got sick. Am sick.. The weather doesn't help, being all wet and cold. Haiz.. I've got the chills coz of my fever, but my flu is better then yesterday. I was so sick yesterday that i took a cab home right after my presentation ended.
Anyway, the presentation sucked! The evaluator didn't even seem interested in listening. =/
Still gotta go to school later, to return the tools to my sup and what nots. Argh!!!!
I'm sure people are curious about how my project actually looks. Let me show you..
First i had to saw my PCB board into a smaller piece. Small enough to fit into my mug. That was hard work man, i sawed til my hands were are red..

Lousy saw!
So, i started to solder my components to my PCB board. Then i started on the mug itself. I intended to use clay, and that was what i did..

Looks like what a caveman would use.. lolx.. I did not fix on the handle yet, because i had to embed my sensor into the handle. Sensor and switch.
But when i woke up the next day and looked at it, i found it really really ugly. So.. change of plans.. I decided to use a plastic container instead.
My final product, made from scratch.. Using a plastic container for the body, transparencies cut and glued together for the base, and a plastic hose for the handle.

The handle gave me alot alot of problems. The hose was not flexible enough, and nothing could stick it to the container. I tried superglue, UHU glue, silicon! In the end, i used epoxy putty.. That's why it looks kinda crappy.
You can see the sensor and switch in the handle. I like that about my mug. You can see all the components. Very high tech design.. Hehehe..

The function of this mug is to cater to the needs of the visually impaired. When the liquid being poured in, reaches a certain level (Where the sensor is) the sensor will trigger the buzzer to sound. No more overfilling or spills. Yay!!!
All in all, i am very happy with my prototype. If only it worked! Definitely something wrong with the sensor. Haiz...
wow... tts hard work! All e sawing n soldering job... But tts a creative mug;)
Dun b discouraged by e little mishap caused by e sensor. Probably u shld change it. It might wrk fine...
Hope ya r doin fine wif ur sch wrk... Cheers:)
niels: I'm using a Liquid Level sensor to detect when the liquid is reaching the top. =)
beancurd: Thanks! I just passed it up to my sup yesterday. And he said i was really creative with the materials i chose to make the mug =) He said he would not have thought of using those stuff =p so im quite pleased about it.
Anyway, it's done!!! Hehehe.. i start attachment on mon.. haiz.. *No break*
Wow! Though i'm an engineering idiot but U sure are creative! =)
Oh? Where r u going 4 ur attachment?
How r u? Recovered from sickness le mah? Have more rest..
Thanks gal, i am 85% recovered =)
Anyway, i guess the only thing going for me is my creativity? I hope.. hehehe
And i am attached to a tiny private company. Which is out of the way, and has a 5 1/2 day work week. So i hate it! -bleahx-
Will try to update my blog soon to tell u more -grinz- complain more..
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