La dépression règle dans.
I'm feeling depressed.. For everyone else, they will be planning what to do tonight, after finally getting through the first week of attachment. But for me, I still have to work tommorrow!!! So no life!!
Haiz.. The place is dirty and dusty. I did testing of ballasts (something that turns on fluorescent lights) for the first 3 days. The ballasts and boxes are so so dusty.. My fingers turned black. Yesterday i did repairing of ballasts. At least it was more interesting, but even more dusty. The spoilt ballast seem to have been left there for months! Maybe they keep all these "Sai gang" for attachment students..
The other attachment student is Jeremy, also from my school.. He had a better job to start with.. Had to draw their floor plans, and he has to help them change their webby. But the last 2 days he has been doing stocktake. According to him, it is kinda of sucky as well..
Gripe gripe gripe... I do not like the place. It only has 2 stalls in the canteen leiz.. Malay and chinese food. Everyday, can only choose between this 2.. And i always eat a huge plate of food for lunch. Factory worker man size serving. I'm going to get fat!
I try to be more positive, but it's hard. Being seriously constipated does not help at all!! -bleahx-
But I am proud of one thing, I have not been late after the first day! =) The first day i was late, only because i waited for the bus for 20 minutes..
I wake up at 5 plus or 6 plus everyday.. So tiring.. So boring... Why do i have to work tommorrow???? -wails-
Haiz.. No time le, have to go get ready, eat breakfast, etc..
I'm so suffering from sleep deprivation. I don't have a single day i can sleep in anymore!! Damn the company!
Je vraiment me sens déprimé. Je déteste traite le samedi !
P/s: I think my posts will be alot more whiney for the next 3 months. So please bear with it =/
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