I am so exhausted..
Finally, my birthday has come to an end. 5 days of meet ups, good food and a night of partying has taken it's toll on me. I had the flu on friday night and couldn't recover in time for my saturday meet up. So I'm sorry guys, that I wasn't in top form!! Gomen ne..Anywayz, i had a great time and nice prezzies =)Time: 11p.m 17th May 2006Venue: MOSWent to MOS on the eve of my birthday.. Boy was it hot!!!! Sweltering, we were sweating like pigs in a slaughterhouse *grinz*The music was good, the company was great and of course the drinks i had didn't hurt one bit. HahaWe gyrated and grooved like there was no tommorrow. The only blot was that some people couldn't make it. I wish you babes were there!!!
Thursday and friday was a private celebration. I just want to say that, I am so touched, Deeply and truly touched at the effort he put in. I was stunned, and shocked and so emotional. Thank you baby...Time: 6.30pm 20th May 2006Venue: Fish and Co.Saturday was a meet up with my ex colleagues. But unlucky me, fell ill the night before. So i couldn't enjoy myself much and had to have an early night. Thanks to all who came. Especially to Weiquan and David for the lovely mug *smiles*
The food was great!
Time: 21st May 2006Venue: Home sweet homeFinally, Sunday.. the last day of celebrations. With my family!!!! My mama cooked a fantabulous yummy meal. Swiss Farmer's pie and stuffed pasta.. Mmm mmm... And i luvvv all the prezzies i got. I love my darling family.. Lots and lots of pictures.. Waiting to get uploaded.. Soon.. HeheheHope to meet up with my babes soon.. I miss you guys, the night wasn't the same without you guys there!!! *Hugz*I know this is a very rushed entry, but i just don't wanna tax my brain to think of all the details.. 90% recovered, gotta clean my room today.. Haiz.. =(Tata
Some pix from my sister's 18th birthday

Hope you liked all your presents!! *Hugz and kisses*
Labels: colleagues, events, friends, my faces, photolog