A peek into my Life
Have not blogged in quite awhile!
Slacking at home, halfheartedly looking for a job. My sis got me a temp job, starts tommorrow. I have to be at Little India MRT station at 8am!! So i have to wake up by 6, what an ungodly hour =/
A tiny peek into the life of a presently reclusive binger.

My Desktop. Nice? Wallpaper was taken by moi. I quite like it. It actually brightens up my screen and there is a wonderful play of angles and reflections.
Been too lazy to update the past few weeks. But i had a nice stay in today. I cooked myself a cut of cod fish for lunch. Impromptu recipe of my own =p And abit of broccoli with baby corn on the side. Delish, if i do say so myself *grinz*
Decided to cook another cut of Cod for my mama for dinner. She has been bugging me about cooking dinner since I'm home most of the time. Tweeked the recipe abit to cater to my mama's taste, and it was even better then the first! Yummy!
The downside was the washing (I hate washing) and the little problem i had trying to keep the Cod from falling apart. With the skin on, it curls up as it is cooked. As it gets more done, the fish starts to flake apart. Haiz... I really wanted to do it as Cod steak instead of Cod Flakes. *bah*
All in all, i enjoyed cooking something that wasn't too weird (most of my recipes are) and tasted FAB! Lolx *winkz*
Now I'm only hoping that the job is interesting and not too tiring. @ 55 bucks a day for 9.5Hrs, the pay is not fantastic at all. But passable.. Anywayz, I can leave early if i get the job done fast. The problem is that i have not done PC migration stuff, or setting up, etc.. So i hope i can pick it up fast.
I need the money.
Labels: Work