My secret post
I am secretly typing this post on my workplace computer. Hehehehe.. Since I’m unsupervised at the moment. A rare occurance, I decided to take a calculated risk.
We are in the throes of moving out. Packing up everything and moving all the stuff to the warehouse to be brought over to the new place. Conditions are horrible! Yesterday I was sneezing the whole day! Until my nose was raw because of the cheap toilet paper I had to use to blow my nose. My eyes and lips were are puffy too! Allergies, allergies.. Haiz..
Anyway, today is slightly better, coz most of the stuff has been cleared out.
My Supervisor just came in to give me a list of stuff to do.. Maybe he thought I was slacking off.. *bah*
Gotta run, I would be very thankful when this episode of my life is over… -grinz-
P/s: I get to take two "Japanese tables" home!! Yippee!! Hehehe.. I've already decided to do up one for my baby =) I shall bring them home tommorrow and it will be my little project. *fist punches air*
Oh, to clarify.. They are not real Japanese tables. Just low wooden platforms kinda thing... =p But after I'm done with them, it will look super! I hop.. *Cross fingers*