-Boogie Wonderland-
WooHoo!!! I had a blast last night!!! Thanks to all who came. And all who wanted too, but couldn't. Hehehe~~
Last night I had a sort of birthday gathering. With some ole' friends. Went clubbing at China Black. OMG! I was so hyped up, a whole night of dancing!! My babes all came, Suyin, Huiling, Yilin, Iris and Yiyan! Had a great time dancing on the platform with my pri sch gals, at the bar with my biatches and on the dance floor with Yiyan and co. lolx.. Groovy baby *slurps* Lotsa eye candy for the guys, Huiling attracted lotsa attention, aye gal.. hahaha.. I haven seen her since pri school, so I had a really good time with her and Suyin. Suyin had a cutie offering a drink.. lolx and I was like, fast fading into the background with these two bootilicious babes around -grinz- Too bad Yilin and Iris had to leave earlier. Hope u gals enjoyed yourself as well...
The club played good music, and you know that clubbing is mostly about the music.. Actually I heard that lotsa 'kids' go there, but I was having such a great time, that I didn't notice.. hehehe
On the cab back home, Suyin and I were teasing Huiling about guys wanting to get to know her. She 'complained' that they were all weirdos! Lolx, but I guess Travis is not too weird hur... -poke poke- Hope that later on we can meet up for dinner or something, coz Suyin is flying out on Tuesday.
Thanks to Tofu for looking out for me =) Ahtat, Travis and gang for coming. Yiyan, Lihao and co. for the vodka. lolx
A pity that Zen, Jason and Mel couldn't join me at Black, I understand.. So no worries..
Got some pics, will post them later on, with my Pinkys and other paraphenalia..
I still feel like dancing, oh.. I wanna go clubbing again..
Pictures Galore: Venue: China Black 13th May 2005

Ain't my babes uber chic chicks. *slurps* Ya, they all look like stars and glamourettes. -winkz-
Yilin and Iris aren't in pix, coz they left earlier. Sad..
Yilin's Birthday Pix

Pinky Paradise

My Prezzies

Something sad happened, my babe told me that yesterday, he went to get my prezzie. He made the trip down to a specific location for the sole purpose of getting that something for me. You know what happened? On the way back, an accident occurred. No persons were harmed, no vehicles crashed, the only thing that got smashed was... You got it, my prezzie!
He rides a bike, so usually, he hooks whateva he needs to carry on his handlebar. Along the way, the plastic bag crept up his arm, and he was trying to adjust it. "Pop" (ok, there was no sound, but I think it warrants some effects) the 'something' pops out of the bag and drops on the road. So what did my babe do??? He slowed to a stop, kept looking behind to see if it's still intact. Apparently, the first car swerved to avoid it, but when he got off his bike and ran back.. There it lay, all smashed to bits, irrecoverable.
Baby, I'm so sorry that this happened and made you waste your time, effort and money. But I still want a prezzie you know. Lolx!!!
Was pretty upset when he told me about it, kept calling him stupid. Hehehehe -Bad girl- But babe, you know I love you no matter what.
Urgh, still feeling sick from the mixers yesterday, coz I haven gotten all the poison out of my system. -bleahx- >_<"
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