Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Brain Dead....
Seriously brain dead.
Was helping my sister with her assignment the whole night.. 9 hours straight!! Argh!!! Feeling so doped up now.
But since it was 7 plus in the morning, and baby made a silly mistake, I decided to help his character level abit.
Darn it, I died (-10%) Had to take a freaking long time to cover up and add 10% more. I'm too nice =/
My head feels like it weighs a ton, or two.. And I'm getting cross-eyed!! Ergh ergh ergh..
Well, i think i did a very good job helping my sis.. *Grinz*
Eat and sleep..
Labels: tired
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Now you know my name... Not..
(My real name) -- [noun]: A master blogger How will you be defined in the dictionary? |
Is this a sign??
Please let it be a good job, and if it is.. let me get it..
Crossing my fingers and praying real hard
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Just got back from a dental appointment. Argh!! Now i know why lots of people dread going to see the dentist *Dentalphobia?* The Dr. was great! But i hate the grinding sound and the threat of choking to death on my own saliva! *Ergh
Seriously, I can't breathe through my nose properly when my mouth is wide open! I kept trying to swallow and felt like I was choking to death! I even tried not to breathe.. Not that it helped or anything *duh* And i was petrified of getting lockjaw. So my nice nice dentist had to keep asking me to open wider. Is that how a pelvic examination feels like too?? *cringes*
He told me that the stupid tooth which has been giving me trouble since last year, is severely decayed! So I just have to wait and see if it can recover by itself after getting patched. *Cries* Should have gone to see a dentist first thing, when my filling fell out. Grrrr
And i totally forgot to ask him about braces!!! Stupid stupid stupid! *Bangs head against the wall*
My next appointment is in Sept.. What a long long wait =(
Since i have yet to recover from my "illness" I was feeling really down and hungry. What did I do? I pigged-out!! Nuggets, Large fries, Ebi Rice Burger and large MilkTea. Yes.. All for me, and i ate every last crumb.. *Fat fat fat
I still have 6 mini croissants, 4 mini Ham & Cheese rolls and 2 regular size Rainbow sprinkled, chocolate covered Donuts!!!! That's for supper =p
Morbid Obesity, here i come... *Shudders*
Sorry friends for my temporary isolation. I'm still feeling like crap, even my baby has not been able to get me to meet him. Will let y'all know when i come out of quanrantine.
I'm just under the weather now. No terminal illness la..
Labels: dental concerns, food, obesity
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Worried Worried Worried...
I'm praying it's just swollen lymph nodes..
Please God, make it go away...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Eye Candy
I'm sick of analyzing... I don't wanna think about it, and i hope it will just go away and solve itself. An "ostrich approach", but i don't care anymore.
Thinking so much is getting me nowhere. It's only hurting my head.
Some accessories to take my mind off my problems...

Cool beads. *Yum Yum*
The necklace in the background is abit OTT. But, i guess i can do something else with it..
I am such an accessory junkie!
Spending does make me feel better for awhile.. Until i realise that I'm broke and shouldn't be buying stuff! *Damnz*
I just can't deal with it now. I am so confused and I really do not know what i want. Not anymore..
Labels: accessories, shopping, therapy
Friday, June 02, 2006
The first step, down the path of Self Destruction, has been taken.
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
I hate myself.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
How perfect is your life?
[X] You know someone that cares about you. There's always someone, but how much?
[X] You`ve a boyfren/girlfren/fiancee/husband/wife.
[X] You have your own room.
[X] You own a cell phone.
[ ] You get good grades.
[x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player.
[ ] Your parents are still married. Technically?
[x] You have more than 2 best friends. Best? Maybe close would be a better word
[ ] There is a swimming pool in your backyard. Man... If only.. So freaking hot now!
[ ] You live in a house. I live in a flat
T O T A L: 6
[X] You dress how you want to. Lots of fashion faux pars
[X] You hang out with friends more than once a week. I try to..
[ ] There is a computer/ laptop in your room. I wish
[ ] You have never been beaten up. How about sparring with my guy?
[ ] You never cry more than twice a month. Psssh, but I'm trying to regulate my hormones better. Does that even make sense?
[X] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to. Of course
[ ] Your room is big enough for you. Whose room is ever big enough? I have so much junk
[X] People don't use you for something you have. Coz i got nothing much. Unless you count my winning personality *pukes*
[X] You have been to a concert.
[X] You laugh more than twice a day. Mostly when I'm watching the tube.
T O T A L: 6
[X] You have over 100 friends on friendster. Yay
[X] You have pictures on friendster. Duh
[ ] You get allowance. Not for a long time *Mommy!!!*
[X] You collect something normal. Movie tickets normal?
[ ] People don't make fun of you to be mean. I can only think of one person. You are getting on my nerves. So not funny..
[ ] You look foward to go to school. I wish I still had school to look forward to..
[X] You don't wish you were someone else. I still wanna be me, but prettier and slimmer. *Grinz*
[ ] You play a sport.
[ ] You do something after school.
[X] You shower daily. *doh*
T O T A L: 5
[ ] You own a car.
[X] You usually don't fight with your parent(s). Singular. I try not to
[X] You're healthy. As healthy as a person with such an unhealthy lifestyle can be.
[ ] You've never had a cavity. Curses
[ ] You are happy with your appearance. That's not worth answering. How many people can cross that without a trace of guilt
[ ] You aren't self-consious at all. Um.. Er.. Hmm... *blush*
[ ] You have never got a failing grade in your life. Let me count
[X] You have friends. It will be a sad sad day if I ever don't have them
[X] You have so many inside jokes with friends. But have forgotten most of them
[X] You know your parent(s) care and love you. Ya, but can love a little less please Ma..
T O T A L: 5
[X] You know what is going on in the world. Hmm.. 40%
[X]You care about soo many people That doesn't mean alot of people care about me
[ ] You are happy with your life. *Pui* As happy as an aimless sow can be
[ ] You usually aren't sick. Usually aren't, but recently always.
[X] You know more than one language. A little bit of mandarin can?
[X] You have a screen name. In this day and age, who doesn't have MSN?
[ ] You own a pet. Hammies, not mine tho..
[X] You know the words to more than 5 songs. *rolls eyes*
[X] You don't have many enemies. I don't think so..
[X] You are happy you're living. Sometimes.. It's difficult to be happy if you're dead right?
T O T A L: 7
Now count up the number and multiply by 2.
I can't believe it. My life is perfect by 58%?? How pathetic..
Stupid quiz..
Fuck la.. I'm going to take a cold shower. It's damn sweltering tonight.
Labels: boredom
Upside: My new bracelet, a birthday gift from Suyin. *Grinz* And another hat to add to my collection. More bling this time.. Haha
Downside: I hate him because he keeps penetrating my thoughts. I hate myself for thinking about things which I will never want to come to pass.
I am weak.
Trying to be strong.
Faced with temptation.
God give me strength*
Labels: accessories, shopping, therapy