Paint the town Red -Photo Blog Entry-
Went out with my sis today.. For some retail therapy. Lolx.. OMG, we spent a bomb!
1st stop, OG Orchard.
To scout for new Giordano tops. Yes, we are definitely not brand concious people. -bleahx- Bought a yellow crew neck and a pink V-neck. *Ker-ching*
Then we spotted some cute bags! Bum and LA Gear. *Ching-ching*
Stomachs growling, so off to Ramen Ten we go. Yummilicious, the new food we tried, Ebi Corokke *shiok*
*Doink Doink Doink* We hopped down to Urban Warehouse to check out the wallets. We bought a cute pink Bum wallet for my mama. Coz she got promoted. -smiles- I wanted to get another for myself. But, couldn't decide which one to get. ><"
Popped into Heeren and Paragon. Gior Jr. Fantastic tees! I'm so glad we can still wear child sizes *Hyuk hyuk* *Pocket starts burning holes* -4 tees!-
Back to OG to check out the wallets there again.

Still got Music leiz.. -Ocean's new album i think- He had speakers in two pouches. The poor guy, people kept laughing at him!
Wahahahahaha!! I told my sis "If we walk beside him all the way, we can listen to the whole album!" BTH!! We laughed like crazy. -guffaws-
So we contined tailing him. (Going the same way) Then, feeling foolish -wth- I asked him to let me take a picture.

Next stop, City Link.
Returned my long overdue promoter tag to Robinson's and recouped my $5 deposit. Then went to City Link for this...

It's a handphone cover!

So i went to exchange for something else lohx.. The guy so nice.. And got these..

Oh, uber cute right? How can you not love them. 1 for me, 1 for my babe. and i got another pink one for my sis. -Pockets catch fire-
We had to wait for my mama to come and join us after work, coz we wanted to treat her to dinner. So..
Off to Suntec to look at Pinkys. The Tikun Fair was there!!
All the machines -sweats- This is what i got..

Lolx. Doesn't look like much ya, but Jimmy.T (The afro guy) brought me good luck. I won this coz i got him. Hehehehe

Finally. my mama reached at about 1950, coz there was a bad jam. And this is where we brought her to eat.

Vanda White? -giggles- (Someone else was also taking pictures, and he took my mama as well!)
Didn't take photos of the food, coz i was so engrossed in eating that i only thought of it halfway thru.. Lolx -pig-
-Pockets Incinerated le-
It was a good meal. We gave her the wallet and she loves it!
Went to see see look look with them for awhile after dinner. Then i had to go off to meet my baby. Yes, after a long and tedious 2 weeks, he has finally come out.
Looking more tanned and 'beng' lolx.. Dunno why, the way he talks and moves. He attributes it to feeling older and more confident. I just think it's just more bengish la. Anyway, he wasn't feeling too well. Heaty and all.. I took a cab home myelf at 3a.m. so that he would not need to send me home. I really missed him. Even tho he seems more 'beng'. He seems to care more as well.. Hmm... Anyway, gotta crash soon, meeting up with him tommorrow as well.
NS man la, Sunday have to book in again..
Overall, i give today 4.5 reality bites!
Next up,
Reason: I have loved her blog since Mr Big Fuck listed her on his site. She's not afraid to make fun of herself. Contrary to what most people may think of a pretty gal's blog, most would post nice flattering pictures (Makeover ones, photoshopped ones), she seems to try to deliberately make herself look ugly? Lolx.. But of course, to no avail.
She is definitely up there with the bigger names, having been interviewed and what-nots.
Hilarious topics included AUNTCELLY's TIME, and many politically incorrect conversations. Farnie, farnie, farnie!! Chock full of wittism, and crap. One of my favourites. Even tho she has moved to Moblogs, I'm still a loyal blogder of SillyCelly.
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