Have you been Blique'd??
I took this Singapore blogger quiz. It's really a laugh, short 10 questions, and the best one is the last. Kenny Sia's work, and i must say, he is one farnie dude..
So guess who i turned out to be closest too
Congratulations , you are...

Finicky Feline of finickyfeline.liquidblade.com
You may seem sweet on the outside but behind you hide a sharpened claw. You have the observation skills of a forensic detective and can see right through people easily. You attract attention, both good and bad, but more bad than good. You've seen more assholes in life than a proctologist. The bad ones tries to screw you over but quickly learnt that its a bad move because you enjoy screwing them back accordingly.
I'm surprised, coz i heard her being described as a balls basher.. I am definitely not one. Maybe a holder? =x But anyhoo.. Something just for fun.
Anyway, with me getting so bored and all, i have decided to try and review a new blog everyday. (Or at least, on the days i get a chance to blog) With so many many new bloggers, each one more entertaining then the last, which ones should we waste spend our time reading?
well, i don't profess to be a blog critic, but if i stumble over any interesting blogs I'll let you know. I'm sure many of them have probably been Browned, Fucked? discovered by Big Fuck or Cowboy Caleb. So i guess I'll Blique their Blog? Lame... I know.. But kinda catchy ya, Blique, blog.. Bliqued Blog... Whatever..
Ta da da da........ -Drum roll- Drrrrrr.....
Reason: I really admire her guts for posting pictures of herself in the atrocious red Yun Nan turban?. Lolx
Her obsession? with men of the Ah Beng nature is just hilarious!
Cute, and a self professed sorta Ang Moh Lian. What's not to like?
Actually, the 'turban' looks more like a shower cap. Or a just a red plastic bag? -guffaws-
The only thing that is not so much to my liking are the chinese fonts. My chinese sucks better then a turbo vacuum cleaner, so I'm not a fan. But i guess an Ah Beng 'fan' has to have some kinda credance. -smirks- Other then that..
You go gal! -snaps fingers and does that neck, head swivel- (See=>Anita Sarawak)
Yes, yes.. Why am I doing such mindless, meaningless things when i oughta be stressing over my Final Year Project (Or lack of). The answer to that is, ... I don't know why.
I sleep late late late. Wake up marginally late, depending on my stomach or when nature calls. And do this -points to blog- and that -points to food strewn table- and that too -points to TV- (My computer is in my living room, don't go thinking that I'm some rich kid. The thought!! Wahahaha.. I'm too poor to imagine) So whilst decreasing my brain mass, I'm increasing my body's girth. Sounds fair, but not desireable.
Urgh!!! I have promised my babe that i would go to school, and I'm supposed to meet Melmel to go to Suntec tommorrow..
Au revoir
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