Dong dong dong Qiang!!
Woo!! I've discovered another money grabbing bitch!!! Damn! Wahahaha.. It's not what you think.. But just as bad la...
Do you remember your childhood? Or least it played a part in mine.. THose machines that where lined up outside makmak shops. Or inside shopping centres? I used to love pressing my face against the grubby plastic machine, trying in vain to look inside and see if the next toy is the one i wanted.
Yes, the little pleasures in life when i was young. Delight when i got Bouncy balls or cute purses. Despair when i got plastic creepy crawlies. I used to "dong" for the mini trolls as well. Until my mama kept saying they were evil... Lolx
Spent many happy times inserting my 20 cent coin and "kra, kra, kra" turning the dial. "Dong" the capsule drops out and the anticipation of what may lie inside..
Well, the "Dong dong" fever of mine has come back! I call it Dongdong coz of the sound it makes when it drops out. But i have just discovered that in Singapore at least, they are called Tikam machines. Tikam meaning: to bet, or gamble, in malay. I still prefer my own connotation tho.. Hehehe.. dongdong.. sounds nicer -winkz-
So anyway, yes.. i have gotten the fever again. But everything changes, so even the dongdongs have changed. they used to be all gaudy red, greens and yellows. Now they are classy, white and erm.. spacious? Lolx.. Bigger, definitely.. But of course, "upgrading" in looks also mean upgrading in cost. Previously, you could dong for 20 cents. Now? At least a dollar.. Haiz....
Gone are the days where 10 cents could actually get you stuff. Like 5 hacks or an ice lolly.
The new dongdongs also differ in a way that, you know what you are going to get. Roughly know, anyhoo.. It used to be that they would show on the insert what you could get, but you may not get that at all. Now dongdongs have very beautiful inserts on the front that show the "product" and the available colours or range that you might get. Ohhh.... The price ranges from $1 for something small, or some that comes with a wide selection. To $3 for the more exclusive types..
There are a few ranges i wanna get, and it's going to cost me a pretty penny.. I go for the more exclusive types. Hehehe.. Like Hello Kitty stuff or Binchotan (Which i have not started yet) The Binchotan one is not a dong dong product, but a Tikam one. Coz it comes in a sealed box, so you won't know what you are going to get. This is a uber expensive range. ranging from $6-$10 for one box. Argh!! Me and my weakness for kawaii merchandise.
Anyway, i'm sure you're sick of my endless yammering.. So i shall post a few pix to whet your appetite for dongdong stuff! Muahahahaha


The little cat is another dongdong -grinz-
My ultimate favourite dongdong (Still sold out!!)

Does not include pink Hello Kitty Box
Are you hooked? No? Too bad.. Wahahaha.. I am, and i'm loving every minute of it.Til i come to the end of the day, and the fever abates and my pockets are all burnt. All holes, with not a single $1 coin left to my name. Yes, that will be the day. Hehehehe
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