Beans, Beans, the musical food. The more you eat, the more you toot -*D!siLLus!on3d B!@tch*-: How we suffer for the sake of beauty
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Saturday, May 05, 2007

How we suffer for the sake of beauty

My teeth hurt, hurt, hurt :(

I have gotten my braces. And boy is it troublesome and painful.

I haven't started the tightening process, now it's at the alignment stage. But it is already giving me alot of grief.

Can't imagine how painful it will be when they start tightening.. *bah*

But I have committed, can't go back now. Not with four ugly gaps.

Haiz.. How we suffer for the sake of beauty..

PS: I look like Ugly Betty w/o her good complexion *Grrr*

Hurricanes are named after me.
I am strong. I am tempestuous.
I am the calm of Audrey Hepburn.
Before the storm of Charlie's Angel.
I may not be able to read maps sometimes.
But at least I can ask for directions.
I love shoes, one pair is never enough.
I can do everthing Fred Astaire did.
Backwards and in high heels.

I am a woman, hear me roar.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor baby . it's ok u still look alot
better than her and u still got mi she dun hv . happy family day . kiss kiss :D
da zhu zhu

2:44 PM  

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