Murphy's Law?
Feeling very tired... Today the weather was good.. but bad.. So sunny, sky so blue. But so farking hot!!! Argh!!! was melting in the heat man..
So anyway, went to church (Yes, like a good christian gal) Then went for lunch with my mama and sis at Bt Panjang Plaza. ( If you don't live in the west, you probably have never heard of this place, i think.. ) Had a nice meal of Japanese Cuisine(at the foodcourt la) and Taiwan's XXL Crispy Chicken =)
After lunch, my sis went to study and i accompanied my mama to the library. Yes, i really am a pretty filial daughter hor. Then she went home and i went to meet my babe.
So i was on the bus, just got on the highway and.. Shyte! my mama called and she doesn't have the keys with her! So she's stuck outside. Now why didn't she have her keys? Coz my bro left his in Thailand, and borrowed hers.
So what was i supposed to do? Let her wait til goodness knows what time, when someone else reaches home? Of coz not, i had to go aaallllll... the way back!! So i was really damn pissed off la. Im not the one who lost the keys, yada yada yada.. yet i have to be the one who has to make the sacrifice. KNN. really super duper pissed. And i raised my voice at her, on the line. Dammit! i couldn't control myself.. haiz..
anyway, i cooled down on the way back, and all's well that ends well.
Went to meet my babe, and i dunno what got into me. I was like a pyschotic biatch had an emotional breakdown. (Not the first time, won't be the last) But i really wanna find out what causes these episodes. I was in a bad way, I tried and tried to control my emotions, but in the end, the dam still broke *gushed man*. I was a mess =( It puts a huge strain on our relationship. He has no idea what is going on and why. or how to make me better. So he gets pissed as well.. coz i spoiled the day. Ya, like as if i wanted to get mind fucked do that purposely. So what should i do? See a shrink? That's like made for TV kinda thing. I know that there should be nothing extremely much wrong with me, but it's tiring... Sick of this topic, will try harder to do better *cross fingers*
We watched Gothika, i borrowed it. What a disappointment. Not scary at all.. Okai la, a little bit only, just a wee bit Should have watched Aishiteru Ze Baby instead. =p The day ended ok, as well as it could have, under the circumstances. But overall, i give it *2 out of 5 reality bites*
Going back to Saturday, i went for an interview with yilin. It's a boutique cum bistro, but they are opening a new outlet which will only be a boutique. Had a tough time finding the place, becoz of wrong info from the bus conductor Wished i could have smacked him! as well as general incompetence. we walked alot more then we needed too.. But of course we found it in the end. Looks like quite a neat place. (Neat as in interesting, not tidy, you idiot!) Since i can only work one day, i'm quite sure i won't get the job, but who knows *cross toes* (Fingers already in use, Ya, lame.. i noe)
On friday night, had abit of fun playing around with my sister's 5 in 1 curling tongs? erm , with flat irons attachment as well.

~Yardstick Straight~
Compliments of my sis

~Angelique Curls~
Kudos to my mama

Me and my biatch, Yilin

Yes, it's me. "Auntie Style"
This is how i always look like at home ya.
Coming soon to a blog near you...

Lolx.. u sound so eloquent.. R u an Art critic or somthing? *smiles* Thanks alot for the comments, i'm just working on trying to improve my writing style. As u can see, my earlier entries were all Shrt forms and laziness. *Sticks out tongue* A name perhaps? Someone i noe?
I'm glad someone thinks im brilliant *blushes*
ya, and i'm little red riding hood *grinz* oh, no.. i should be one of the 3 little pigs. Haha.. very well... may i ask how did u stumble into my humble abode?
And why are you always loitering so late? lolx
I think you are Dos.. But, it does not matter to me.
Lolx.. NC hur? New york City? but i thought that is NYC. North Carolina? Maybe...
Dos is someone's nick. I thought u might have been that person.
Loitering, as in hanging around erm.. looking suspicious. *Grinz* So u have a blog? i shall go visit u soon.
I hope you enjoy your day as well.
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