Beans, Beans, the musical food. The more you eat, the more you toot -*D!siLLus!on3d B!@tch*-: Dashed
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I just found out something, no.. actualli i went lookin for it. and words cannot describe how hurt and betrayed i feel. It's not regardin BGR, i can tell u that. Or friendship.

I never thot that being protrayed in an untruthful, extremely mean way, to total strangers no less, would hurt so much to know.
Yes, i went looking it. and i found it. and i am sadden. When u try your hardest to give someone the best u can do, they do not appreciate it at all. Instead, they would rather choose to harp on the lil' instances of the cracks of your veneer. They rem these incidents n nurse it like a baby, and so it grows bigger n bigger. But whateva wonderfully nice things u may do, they will never rem or call attention to it.

And they protray themself as e victim. the poor innocent, weak, sweet victim. when actually most, if not all, the incidents were a result of this "victims" sorely lacking good character traits. And the worst thing is when they will never feel that way. to them, they are always being wronged and being victimized. Maybe when this person is more mature, it will realise that all the while, i was here trying my best to build bonds. but my efforts were always shot down by sarcastic, rude remarks.

Shld i even bother any more? is it worth it? Here i m, thinking that i was making progress. But now i found out that i have been horribly wronged n it irks me so much tt it is just totally slaggin my character. When actually i feel that im the victimized one. Haiz..

Im not sure what i shld do. juz continue as normal? try harder? or give up?

It is now that i realise that a single incident, or "scene" can be perceived so differently by sumone else. Or sumting that is being said, when heard by another person, can take on a whole different meaning.


Blogger Vanessa said...

Babe... really sorry to hear what you've been going through... I know of such people, they feel inferior and then they judge you, they distort the truth and spread stuff about you. I've been through it all and it is fucking unpleasant...

Don't bother about that person gal, not worth your time and effort. Instead, focus on the people who are your real friends and care about you. They are the ones who matter... Love ya babe... catch up with you really soon ok? I'll be on leave in May... Til then... good luck for your exams!:) *hugz*

12:56 PM  
Blogger -*D!siLLus!on3d*- said...

Thnx sweetie.. but it's not realli like that. cant go into details here. it's not that bad, but juz feeling vulnerable at e moment. And i cant not bother abt this person. So that's one bad thing. Neeway, nothing serious, juz unpleasant. But everybody has probs.
Hope u r feeling better n sorted out ur stuff babe. u realli deserve to be happy
Mit up soon den. i love ya babe *hugz* back

2:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


ay... sometimes we just try to overlook these things... these things make us unhappy... why bother abt them... my principle, why bother abt those who doesnt bother abt you...

hey, be happy... even if it means to cut that "fren" off... outta your life!

you have a nice fren there... take heed from her words... start looking out for those who really care and stop wailing at those who doesnt... what for?



11:29 PM  

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