Beans, Beans, the musical food. The more you eat, the more you toot -*D!siLLus!on3d B!@tch*-: A bug's Life
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A bug's Life

Sick again..

Started with a whooping all night migraine and escalated to flu and sore throat.
Damn sian...

Anyways, another kill time, try to earn money thing to sign up for if you are interested.

Click here and sign up. Remember to verify your email.

Tons and tons of photos piling up. 3 new additions to the family.

Hurricanes are named after me.
I am strong. I am tempestuous.
I am the calm of Audrey Hepburn.
Before the storm of Charlie's Angel.
I may not be able to read maps sometimes.
But at least I can ask for directions.
I love shoes, one pair is never enough.
I can do everything Fred Astaire did.
Backwards and in high heels.

I am a woman, hear me roar.



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4:37 PM  

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