Beans, Beans, the musical food. The more you eat, the more you toot -*D!siLLus!on3d B!@tch*-: My experience
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Friday, December 14, 2007

My experience

Ok, so I went for my first makeover ever (complimentary) a couple of days ago.

The experience was fun. The results were really disappointing.

I had high expectations. Professional photographer, makeup and all.
But the raw images were, well... demoralising.

The only reason I would look good is if they photoshopped almost every bit of it.

There wasn't a need for photography skills or good lighting. What's the point if you are just gonna photoshop the whole picture anyways.

They were the worse pictures of myself I have ever seen.

So anyways, you get to pick 2 photos. I had a hard time coz most of them were seriously awful.
And the below is one of the better ones, which I have already tweaked abit and added a lens flare. *tres cool*

I think I prefer taking normal photos and photoshopping them instead. Makeovers are so not me. With all the posing and fake smiles. I usually make goofy faces and do ridiculous actions, which might not look as hot but look much more natural.

Anyways, I'll write it off as an eye opener. :D

Hurricanes are named after me.
I am strong. I am tempestuous.
I am the calm of Audrey Hepburn.
Before the storm of Charlie's Angel.
I may not be able to read maps sometimes.
But at least I can ask for directions.
I love shoes, one pair is never enough.
I can do everything Fred Astaire did.
Backwards and in high heels.

I am a woman, hear me roar.

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