Beans, Beans, the musical food. The more you eat, the more you toot -*D!siLLus!on3d B!@tch*-: I want I want I want *Poison*
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Thursday, April 20, 2006

I want I want I want *Poison*


Staying at home and surfing the net most of the day is definitely not as idyllic as i thought it would be.

Suffering from materialism!!!

I want a BJD (Ball Joint Doll) or SUPER DOLLFIE!!!!! Omg, they are so so beautiful.. And friggin expensive as well..

I guess that will be a goal i will try to work towards =)

Beautiful! I love them!

And i so need a new phone. Sony Ericsson W810. *sigh*

I want and i need..

I think I've got TMJ syndrome. My jaw bloody aches and i keep getting headaches. =(

My body is failing me.

-0blique sick-


Did you notice something? I edited my template! So now, i no longer have so much useless space at the sides!!! *Yay*

Does it look better? Hmm, i now have a large, wide posting space! *grinz* I feel quite proud of myself. Haha..

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